❥▐ cupid's brew

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: Just another day.|Place: Estelle's Flower Shop|Mood:Mellow|Music: Song from a Secret Garden| Day: 4/4 ]

    Zoey noticed that the other guy was walking with her in the direction she was heading with her flower pot in hand, but he looked like he was in a hurry. She just barely took a few more steps and her dad's car drove up along the curb. He beeped happily at her, and she couldn't help but to smile a little. Yes, there was some contention between the two, but he had taken care of her all these years. It wasn't him that caused her eye to be blinded anyways. It was just how things worked out. After getting in the car, they headed straight home, barely talking about anything. Just work and her trip to the flower shop and her purchase of her small, fiery orange roses.

    When they got home, Zoey had some soup, took her medication, and then headed up to her room to get to bed. She reverently placed Estelle's phone number on her nightstand right night to her charging phone. She would probably give the girl a text tomorrow. She seemed like a nice person after all. After she changed into some warm PJs, she snuggled under her quilt, turned off the light, and fell into a light sleep.
  2. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    A disguise....why did this sound oh so familiar to him...

    Regardless of this, Julius didn't disagree with this plan and really took towards the plan. Passing the reception desk the two walked on and soon enough their plan soon began. The first step of the plan was to at least find the disguise that would make their trip far to easier and so, Julius's stealth mode. He crept up against the walls, creeping and observing the area, trying to find just what he would be able to do....and then his plan formed.

    A doctor was walking by, nonchalant and tired from the days work and little did he know was that he was walking into a quite bad situation. Julius waited, he waited and waited and waited, until finally a flashing spark gleamed in Julius's eye as he rushed forward and tackled the doctor into the nearby janitor's closet. Holding the doctor arm back, Julius held the man's mouth as he tried to block out any sound. "oh god oh god oh god what now" Julius said glancing around the room. The doctor was sure not to willingly strip and he needed to do something before he got caught. As he glanced around the closet his eye immediately caught the sight of a broom and by instinct alone he immediately grabbed it and whacked it on the man's head "OH **** WHAT DID I DO?!" Julius said examining the unconscious doctor before placing both hands ontop of his own "OH GOD THE GUILT...IT KILLS" Julius yelled before taking off the man's clothes and placed them on. Taking out a dollar bill he placed it on the nude man to make him look like he was a male stripper or something. "....why does this seem so...familiar" Julius said before meeting up with Bryan once more.

    Soon enough the rest was quite easy, Julius managed to get into the employee's room and eventually got Bryan a doctor's outfit as well. The two headed off to their first destination that was the electrical room, but that ended in failure. There was nothing there, nothing out of the norm for them and nothing that could give them any hint at all. With a sigh, Julius tried to hold in any anger and decided to go with Bryan's idea of checking the security camera.

    "Alright here we are..." Julius said entering the area as he glanced over at the screens. "alright...lets locate the footage and see if we can find out just who those people were" Julius said as he sat on the nearby seat and began to search. It took a while but soon enough Julius was able to locate the footage and with a sigh he turned to Bryan. "Alright...this is it" Julius said before pressing play. The scene played and the very moment where Julius was attacked and Jonathan was kidnapped and once the footage ended Julius merely sat there with his eye widened in utter shock.

    "......I....fucking knew it...I ****ING KNEW IT..there couldn't have been anybody else but them.....it was him....that bastard....Its him...that conductor from Bentley...."
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    It took quite a bit of convincing to get her mom's approval to go out. Pierce had waited until after Sophie left to bring it up, and Sophie had really pushed it down to the wire. Did she know? Hopefully not. Her mom wanted her home at ten since it was a school night. She talked her into 10:30 -- being practically an adult now. She pulled her mom's car into one of the snow covered parking spaces. The ground was slick and the car slid forward as she braked. Pierce put it in park and shut it off. They had agreed on meeting at the lake. When Pierce got out of the car, she noticed that it was awfully empty. The only other car there was Oliver's! She swallowed nervously and held her skates through the space between the blade and the boot.

    She walked carefully down to the frozen water, trying not to slip. Her brown eyes shifted back and forth, looking for Oliver. If his car was here, then he had to be too. Well, she would see him on the ice. Pierce found a bench free of snow and sat down. The metal was cold through her jeans and immediately froze her butt. She pulled off her gloves and kicked her feet out of her shoes. Quickly she slipped her feet into the skates and laced them up. Her hands were freezing. She rubbed them together briskly to warm them up before slipping them back into the gloves.

    Pierce picked her shoes up off the ground and set them on the bench. Rising to her feet, she wobbled on her skates and took carefully steps to the water. Walking like this was bad for the blades, but there wasn't much of a choice. When she reached the ice, Piercepushed herself forward from a tree near the water to get going. She slid forward and slowly began to regain her ability to move on her own. She really wasn'tvery graceful when it came to skating ( or anything else for that matter ).
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    He really couldn't afford to keep his car on like this, but the lake just looked so eerie shrouded in darkness. The Christmas lanterns had been taken down, and the closest streetlights [ bordering the main trail around the lake ] had gone out. It would be a while until the bulbs would be replaced, knowing Candlewood. Sometimes he didn't like this town so much.

    He stood outside of his car, blaring his lights out onto the frozen lake and wondering if this was legal. It felt ... adventurous, and wrong. It hadn't been so intimate the last time Pierce and him had come out here. Ah, hell, it wasn't like they were skinny dipping! He tried to calm himself down and leaned against the door of the driver's side with a sigh.

    Finally, the sound of a car reached his ears. He could see Pierce driving and parking through the windows of his car. She got out, not noticing him, and immediately changed her shoes and stepped onto the ice. He shook his head back and forth, grateful that he had already checked the thickness of the ice before she did so. So long as they didn't go out too far, they would be fine.

    Good ... uh ... Evening. He greeted, hoping he didn't frighten her. She was finding her feet on the ice. He sat down on the bench and changed into his own ice skates. He wasn't a pro-skater or anything, but he had plenty of fond memories when it came to roller-skating with his brother in his childhood.

    Just a few moments later, he had joined her somewhat uncomfortably, after the other night ... ... How are you?
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    ❝Good ... uh ... Evening.❞

    Pierce turned clumsily at the sound of Oliver's voice. "Oh - hey," she replied. She gave him a half wave and watched him put on his skates. After a couple minutes, he came to join her on the ice.

    ❝... How are you?❞ he asked.

    "G-good," she told him. "How have... you been?" He had run out of her house so quickly...

    The lake was awfully dark. The moon was up, but hidden behind cloud cover. The lamps were out. Pretty much the only lighting was the faint glow of the moon from behind the clouds and when they would occasionally clear for it to be a little brighter. So dark. Pierce was fighting the urge to panic. She wasn't alone. Oliver wasn't just going to abandon her in the dark, was he?

    She glanced up at him unsure and glided carefully around the ice. Things seemed so tense and awkward. She needed to say something. If only talking wasn't hard! She swallowed nervously and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "Th-thanks for coming... I wasn't-I wasn't sure you'd still want t-to after m-my message and New Year's-N-New Year's Eve..." Shoot! She didn't want to mention that! It would only make things worse.

    She began to skate off in the other direction, her arms held out straight on either side to help keep her balanced. It didn't really help much. She still stumbled and fell to her knees on the ice. I was hard and hurt when she landed. Her hands had been thrown out to help brace her fall, but only ended up hurting her wrists in the process. "Ow," she muttered. Pierce let herself rock backwards and land on her butt. It made getting up easier for her, but it required some work regardless.
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    After a while of waiting, she gave up from his response. Man...what a waste of time. I knew he wouldn't respond. Heck who would want to relate to me? With a heavy sigh, she walked back to her room. Perhaps she would try tomorrow. She got to her cot and fell asleep, unnerved by the next wave of antibiotics and lonliness tomorrow as she fell asleep.

    OOC: Sorry for crappy post. Time is short here.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    After spending the morning cleaning his room, Ryder had collapsed on the couch in his room playing video games. He fell asleep with the control in one hand and the box of Cupid's Brew sitting beside him. He had never managed to make it to his bed or even to set his alarm. Hopefully his mom would be there to wake him in the morning...
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Evan Walker:

    Evan had a fun day out "ice skating," if one could even call it that. He ended up spending a few good hours continuously falling every which direction that a person could, though it didn't really matter to the carefree man. Each time he attempted to get up all that ended up happening was that he would fall flat on his face. Each time that would happen all he did was continue trying until a person told him he should probably go home or at the very least stop ice skating for awhile due to the sheer amount of bruises that formed all over his body while this happened. He didn't really see, or rather feel, the reason why, but the person seemed to be genuinely concerned about him and his health so he took it to heart.

    He ended up rollerblading halfway home though at the halfway mark his legs started to wobble. This was generally a bad sign for him and was the only way for him to recognize that he'd hit his proverbial wall for the day, though he hadn't been rollerblading all that much today so he didn't really understand why his legs were giving out so soon. In addition he was no where near home, so he didn't really think he'd make it on his rollerblades, so he ended up taking the less favorable of the two options. He simply took off the rollerblades and started walking home...in only his socks.

    After the walk through the cold sidewalks Evan had finally made it back home. The stairs seemed especially difficult to walk up today, but he didn't seem to care so much about that. When he got in he took off his socks and noticed his feet were especially unresponsive, though that was probably due to the fact that he walked in the cold on them. Despite this he felt fairly lax for the rest of the night and fell asleep at his table almost immediately after finishing his dinner.

    Dennis Baker:

    He spent the rest of his day huddled under his covers. Dennis had gone with too little and not warm enough clothing to attempt his long distance run to from his house place to the school. Furthermore, while his bike was still locked up, it was covered in snow and freezing water. Each time he attempted to ride on it he retreated away due to how cold the metal of the bike had become. After attempting multiple times he finally was able to get on the bike, which had slightly rusted making it harder to use, and rode it all the way home.

    Despite his efforts, though, he was no match for mother nature. His body ended up feeling really cold for most of the day and the only thing that Dennis could actually do was bundle himself up and get warmer. As the night dragged on and Dennis was winding down for the day he noticed his phone. He hadn't actually turned it on yet for the day and it wasn't exactly a priority for him to check his messages though he felt he should. While scrolling through them he noticed one from someone he hadn't spoken to a while. That was Sasha Tayes. He read through her message and it just told him how she wanted for him to visit since she was in the hospital an all- Wait what?! The hospital?! Well that was certainly no good. He decided to send a message back to her to tell her that he would most certainly be there.

    [To Sasha:
    Yo Sasha, Dennis here. Sorry for the delayed response an all but I didn't really get to check my phone today. Don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow soon as i can be. Later.]

    With the message sent he browsed through his phone and saw Zoey's contact info still there. He stared at it until realizing he hadn't told the girl at all that he was out of the hospital. He really needed to remember some of the finer details every now and then of his situations. While he did feel particularly bad about not telling her anything, he figured it could probably wait till tomorrow. Today was ending, however, and all he really needed now was to go to bed and eat dinner...though probably not in that order. After the latter was over and done with, he tucked himself into bed and slept the rest of the day away.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    : « MUSIC « WEARING « 0 « OOC: N|A :

    I've been fine.

    He answered shortly, not willing to divulge too deeply into his feelings.

    Don't worry about it ...

    They skated for a while, making idle chit chat. The longer they were on the ice the more they warmed up to each other [ badum dum ]. After a little over an hour, they parted ways. He felt kind of like a creep, but he trailed after her to make sure she got home okay [ what with all of her falling on the ice, jeeze ]. When her safety was confirmed, they said their final goodbyes and he was off for home.

    His feet were killing him. He took off his shoes and went straight to bed.

  10. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I think the phrase "Nerawareta Gakuen" explains it all. Saxima stared at her laptop, not knowing what to think. Her face was stained with unwarranted tears and her brain was in a whirlwind of confusion. The only thing going through her mind was What in the right fuck compelled me to even want to watch that movie?

    When she glances at the Skype chat, realizing that she should probably apologize for even . . . considering watching that movie, since it subjected she and her friends to such chaotic reactions, and it was a nearly two-hour waste of their time, but alas . . .

    As time ground down, Saxima thought that she should probably post in Cupid's Brew to end her characters' days. Which is what she's doing now.

    Good night, Saxima's characters. Sleep well.
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    All sorts of feelings were running through the mind of Julius, but the man knew that he couldn't let them run. Getting himself a copy, Julius turned to Bryan immediately "we cant stay here any longer...we have what we need so its time to go before some real **** happens" Julius said closing his eyes "Lets meet up later on and discuss this..." Julius said before he turned and left the area he was in. Once out Julius head out and headed home. Once they he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.
  12. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Fatime wrote more in her diary before going to sleep, but it looked like an incomprehensible mess. When Ayanna returned after doing her travelling deeds with her customer, she tucked little Fatime in, picked up the books thrown on the floor, and took her diary to her room to read it for tomorrow morning. As Fatime's gentle breaths permeated the room in the only chance of peace she could have, Ayanna needed to make sure the girl was not completely losing her mind, and that Lucas was somewhere to be found.

    Meanwhile, Torvald wrestled around on the undisclosed couch, dreaming strange dreams about a ridiculously nonsensical movie he remembered from his youth with a plot that made no sense.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    T H I S xxI S x F A T E ! !






    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !!


    ♥ ♥ !!

  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    The next morning, tragedy rocked the group yet again. News broke that Elisa had been found dead, overdosed on pills. A funeral was held a few days later. It is unknown whether or not the incident was an accident -- but many speculate the loss of her best friend Richie was just too much ...

    Unfortunately, the bad news didn't end there.

    With the discovery of Noëlle's necklace, and the possible recognition of Frank, the conductor, Bryan and Julius went straight to the authorities. They [ the cops ] were eager to assist at first, but something changed with the mention of Bentley. The investigation and 'search' for the two [ N & J ] ended [ at least in the public eye ] after just a few weeks. The authorities released a televised statement that the two had been found dead and mutilated in the woods on the outskirts of Candlewood. A closed casket funeral was held in their memory.

    Just like two years ago, escaping the public eye was becoming more and more difficult -- especially for those involved in the string of tragedies from what felt to be just a short time ago. Paranormal investigators released a flood of supernatural theories tying the group with some kind of spiritual curse -- or damnation. Occult sites blew up with speculation, though the ripple was much more subtle to the outside world.

    It soon became questionable how much longer they could continue living a normal life there in Candlewood.

    *The silence surrounding the unfortunate events at Sophie's eventually sparked controversy [ specifically ignited by the parents of the deceased ]. The toxicity report came back exposing an extremely high amount of dangerous chemicals in the bodies of the deceased, mixed with the liquid served at breakfast that morning. After a somewhat drawn out investigation, the only obvious suspects [ Lucas, Sophie ] were arrested, detained, and eventually released and given trial dates [ MARCH 28TH, 2016 ].

    Until then ...

    { || The End [​IMG] }​
    of this arc, lol herka
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    ♥♥♥♥H E L L O ♥♥ T O ♥♥ S P R I N G ♥♥ !

    ♥♥♥♥So, that didn't go too well either. Jeesh. Bummer. So much drama, and now there's even more to befall you! As soon as you heard the news about Julius, Noëlle and Jonathan, you began to feel ... unsettled. Tremendously. You want your normal life back -- the one without deaths left and right. You just want this to be over with! What better way to achieve that than to end it yourself?

    You decide to take a trip to Bentley and confront the conductor or whoever else you think may be involved in Jonathan and Noëlle's deaths. It's clear to you that you must take the investigation into your own hands before more lives are lost and you're ready to divulge deeper into the secrets of this strange town ... Why did someone try to murder Julius in the first place?

    If the police are going to be useless, then it's up to you. Luckily you aren't alone. You have an army of friends and acquaintances by your side. Some of you may not even be sure what draws you to this town or why you should be getting involved, but there's something wrong here -- you can sense it -- and you feel that with time, this 'curse' will reach you too.

    ♥♥♥♥H O P E ♥♥ Y O U ' R E ♥♥ R E A D Y♥♥ !

    ♥♥♥♥It's about to get a little crazy.

    You've all decided to meet at the park and ride, just a few minutes away from the local transit center. From there, you'll be busing to the train station, which will get you close enough [ Whittlerose ] to boat to Bentley ... The current plan is to use that travel time to think of a way to get passed the gates at Bentley, whether it's acting natural, breaking in or using disguises. You may want to rent a car in Whittlerose too ... Just in case.

    Here's a ****** diagram for u:


    We start at Candlewood. Take the train to Whittlerose, from where we'll be boating to Bentley. The ferry terminal from Candlewood will take you to Camp Fortissimo. Boating from Candlewood to Bentley would take longer than doing it this way, and this way you can set up a car in Whittlerose for quicker getaways that don't involve being stuck on a boat for long periods of time in the middle of the ocean.

    You can discuss the plan further on the way there, but for now you should focus on getting to the park 'n ride on time.

    WEATHERWARM, BLUE SKIES 63°! ✖ 『DATE & TIME』 3/14/2016 { Monday } - 8AM ✖ 『DAY』 01

  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 2016 Location » Home OOC: It's good to be back

    Estelle walked down the stairs of the gardening shop this spring morning. She was invited to go investigating the murders of a few kids at her school. She didn't know them very well, but she thought it might be an interesting experience, since she had never really bonded with the kids in her classes. The only friends she had, were Shane and Zoey. Since it was Spring, sales at the flower shop had gone up a lot, and Estelle no longer had to work anymore, she finally had started going to school again. Now it was spring break, and as she put on her leather jacket she looked at herself in the mirror. She felt like she had changed a bit, but not a lot. Other then all the money her family was now getting, and her going to school, she felt like the same old self, but in a different outfit. She put on her shoes and Vega arrived at the door to drive her to the meet up spot.

    "You be careful ok?" Vega said with a stern look to her sister in the passengers seat. "I don't trust anything that's been going on in this place anymore." Vega muttered. "Your sisters are going to worry about you a lot, so BE CAREFUL." She yelled. "And since you don't really know anyone, stay with your boyfriend, alright?" She told her.

    Estelle grinned her teeth. You would think she would understand that he wasn't her boyfriend by now.

    Vega ranted on about how there might be a murder lurking and how it could kill anyone of them at any moment.
    Estelle blocked her sister out like she normally did looking out the window. What an adventure. It would be her first time going on a trip. She hoped she had packed enough stuff. Her suit case was pretty full. She remembered she had her bear, Corduroy with her. He was very very old and Vega said countless times but she didn't care, she loved him anyway. She had a bunch of other things, and mentally checked to make sure she had everything. She took a deep breath. How exciting... this was going to be a new start for her. New friends, new people, all in what seemed to be a new world to her. A social world. A trusting world. A different world. Estelle shook her head, and then looked out the window to see that they were already there.

    "We're here." Vega said, almost with a sigh. "Listen, I'm serious. We love you Estelle, don't do anything that puts yourself in danger." Vega said.

    "I won't I promise." She told her. "It's just a little road trip, I'll be ok." She said, almost with tears in her eyes. "I'm older now Vega." She said.

    "I know." Vega said looking away.

    Estelle gave her sister a hug and waved as she drove off. She stood around and waited for the others to come, thinking of what she was going to say to introduce herself.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 1/4 ]

    Zoey sighed as she drug her little rolling suitcase behind her as she walked to her destination. She had sunglasses on, despite only having one eye to see out of them, and also a backpack with other things that they might need for this little trip. It was bright and early, but she didn't care. She couldn't sleep in passed 5:30am anymore. She kept getting nightmares of what happened last Christmas, and they've been playing in her head ever since. And then when these new deaths came up... Zoey just couldn't sit around anymore. Something had to be done. Just something. First it was Alex, her crush, and a three other people she had really never talked to around the table, now it was Noelle (some prodigy student Zoey heard A LOT about, and Mr. Menon's favorite student) and Johnathon.

    She had to lie, tell her dad that she was going on some extra credit trip. Bah. He would have flipped out if she told him she was going to help with a criminal investigation. This stupid place wasn't going to do anything about it. No one knew how Noelle and Johnathon died. Same with Alex. No one really knew how he died either. She was going to get to the bottom of this. She didn't have a badge, or some background in forensics, but she was still going to do this. It didn't matter if she was just sixteen years old or not. Too many people have died lately around here. Speaking of which...

    Zoey looked down at the little map once more to make sure she was going the right way. She couldn't help but to giggle just a bit, seeing how silly it looked, despite this being a very serious matter. She looked up, seeing that she was arriving just in time. And it looked like someone else was already there waiting for everyone else. The one-eyed girl squinted under her sunglasses as she approached, and then her eyes lit up when she recognized the familiar face.

    "Hey! Estelle!" Zoey picked up the pace and ran the rest of the way to meet up with the girl. Before her friend had time to react, Zoey dropped her suitcase by her side and hugged her companion tightly. "Looks like you beat me here!" She smiled and then let go of the girl, picking up the handle of her rolling suitcase once more. "So what's up? Your sister is actually going to let you go on this trip?" Zoey took off her sunglasses and let them rest on her hat. She really didn't need them right now.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Clothes Mood» Cheerful Music Date: 2016 Location » Home OOC: It's good to be back

    "Hey! Estelle!"

    Estelle snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a voice that sounded the slightest bit Familiar to her. She turned around. "Zoey!" She said, watching as she ran over to her. She was a little bit caught off guard by the hug and started to laugh. Moving her hair out of her face.

    "Looks like you beat me here!"

    "Ya, I like to be early." Estelle laughed.

    "So what's up? Your sister is actually going to let you go on this trip?"

    "Well, I had to put up a pretty good fight, but in the end I won." Estelle said smiling. " It was 3 against one at first, but then my other sisters gave up, but Vega she didn't. She argued my ears off believe me. She thought it was dangerous but I explained to her that there was going to be a lot of us going and it would be an interesting experience, and that I would drive her crazy if I was sitting around the whole break, so she said yes." Estelle explained. "I hope the other guys get here soon, I can't wait to meet everyone." Estelle said. She also wanted to see Shane again...

    "So whats up with you? Anything new or exciting?" She asked her.
  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ...Days go on forever, but I have not left your side...

    ʑoey mber Ӄline
    [OOC//Outfit-|Thoughts: My Dad is SO going to KILL ME!... Oh well. :3|Place: Park and ride|Mood:Mellow|Music:| Day: 1/4 ]

    Zoey kicked at the sidewalk while Estelle was talking, half-listening.

    "Well, I had to put up a pretty good fight, but in the end I won." Estelle said smiling. " It was 3 against one at first, but then my other sisters gave up, but Vega she didn't. She argued my ears off believe me. She thought it was dangerous but I explained to her that there was going to be a lot of us going and it would be an interesting experience, and that I would drive her crazy if I was sitting around the whole break, so she said yes." Estelle explained. "I hope the other guys get here soon, I can't wait to meet everyone."

    The last part made the girl perk up just a bit.

    A small smirk appeared on her face as she went to Estelle's side and nudged her a bit in the shoulder. "Uh-huh, suuuuure. You can't wait to meet everyone? Or are you just excited to see Shane again," Zoey said, slyly raising her eyebrows twice. She had a feeling something was brewing between the two. She saw it last year around New Years, and hadn't stopped teasing her friend about it ever since. She laughed and then put a hand in her jean pocket, resting her weight on one hip as she grinned at Estelle.

    "So whats up with you? Anything new or exciting?"

    Zoey shrugged a shoulder and puckered her lips, moving her head from side to side. "Eh, nothing new with boring one-eyed Zoey here. My dad thinks I'm going on an extra credit trip." Zoey up a finger up to her lip, looking Estelle straight in the eyes. "Shhhh. But yeah. Nothing really here..."

    Except her crazy step mom was going to get out of the loony bin soon.

    She didn't tell anyone about her step mom, not even Estelle. She hadn't even told Freddie yet of the impending doom that was heading in. Zoey just wanted to not focus on that right now, and focus on the murders at hand. People needed to be saved. There was no time for poor old Zoey boo-hoo time. No one would really care about her personal life anyways. No one still knew about the secret of her eyepatch after all.
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