Search Results

  1. shadowofchaos

    50 minutes total. Geez. Not for the fainthearted. Hee Hee. See what I did there? :3

    Total Damage: 500+ GB of pure, RAW, uncompressed video on one of my 1TB external hard drives.

    Showcases EVERY SINGLE REACTION COMMAND I could find, with the exception of Timon and Pumba's "get away from the hyenas" thing.
    If a reaction command has a failure animation besides "getting normally hit", it is shown first. If it is able to do a lethal hit to a boss, it is shown again with that occurrence.

    Special thanks to the people at the KHII Final Mix Codes thread!

    I was once a regular lurker there long ago, but Fire Emblem has capture my heart and isn't letting go.
    See what I did there as well? :3

    Rivals my Tales of Vesperia PS3 Mystic Arte Exhibition in length.

    Many thanks if you do watch, and congrats if you manage to sit through all 50 minutes! :D
    Thread by: shadowofchaos, Jun 16, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Video Showcase