Kingdom Hearts - MIDI & Instruments

Instrument and sequence data ripped from the original Kingdom Hearts!

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File offered in ZIP format. The file is 133 MB.

Kingdom Hearts - Disc One

Dearly Beloved

Samples: 26

Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-

Samples: 36

Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit)


Dive into the Heart -Destati-

Samples: 37

Destiny Islands

Samples: 25

Bustin' Up on the Beach

Samples: 40

Mickey Mouse Club March

Samples: 35

Treasured Memories

Samples: 23

Strange Whispers

Samples: 6

Kairi I

Samples: 32

It Began with a Letter


A Walk in Andante


Night of Fate

Samples: 33

Destiny's Force


Where Is This?

Samples: 123

Traverse Town

Samples: 33

The Heartless Have Come

Samples: 41

Shrouding Dark Cloud

Samples: 59

Blast Away! -Gummi Ship I-

Samples: 45

Tricksy Clock

Samples: 29

Welcome to Wonderland

Samples: 53

To Our Surprise

Samples: 43

Turning the Key

Samples: 16

Olympus Coliseum

Samples: 35

Road to a Hero

Samples: 39

Go For It!

Samples: 56

No Time to Think

Samples: 27

Deep Jungle

Samples: 25

Having a Wild Time

Samples: 26

Holy Bananas!

Samples: 32

Squirming Evil

Samples: 58

Hand in Hand

Samples: 44

Kairi II

Samples: 32

Merlin's Magical House

Samples: 37

Winnie the Pooh

Samples: 68


Samples: 40

Just an Itty Bitty Too Much


Once Upon a Time

Samples: 1

Shipmeisters' Humoresque

Samples: 46

Precious Stars in the Sky

Samples: 20

Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II-

Samples: 45
Kingdom Hearts - Disc Two

A Day in Agrabah

Samples: 35

Arabian Dream

Samples: 37

Villains of a Sort

Samples: 27

A Very Small Wish

Samples: 41

Monstrous Monstro

Samples: 53

Friends in My Heart

Samples: 28

Under the Sea

Samples: 43

An Adventure in Atlantica

Samples: 37

A Piece of Peace

Samples: 22

An Intense Situation


The Deep End

Samples: 65

This is Halloween

Samples: 49

Spooks of Halloween Town

Samples: 54


Samples: 25

Captain Hook's Pirate Ship

Samples: 49

Pirate's Gigue

Samples: 57

Neverland Sky

Samples: 46

Kairi III

Samples: 21

Blast Away! -Gummi Ship III-

Samples: 28

Hollow Bastion

Samples: 51

Scherzo Di Notte

Samples: 54

Forze Del Male

Samples: 50

HIKARI - KINGDOM HEARTS Instrumental Version

Samples: 36


Samples: 11

End of the World

Samples: 26

Fragments of Sorrow

Samples: 43

Guardando Nel Buio

Samples: 55

Beyond the Door

Samples: 47

Always on My Mind

Samples: 47



March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra


Hand in Hand -Reprise-


Dearly Beloved -Reprise-

Samples: 11

Having a Wild Time -Previous Version-


