Hey all! Well, I really feel like writing some short stories, so I'm going to offer short story requests for the first five people who comment. They're nothing multichapter. :D Just little drabbles on this or that. Maybe 500-700 words a pop. Though each go with my creative juices. Some may be shorter or longer than another. If this turns out well I may do it again. :D Just comment with the fallowing: Pairing/Ship: (I'll do any pairing besides slash... I'm just not comfortable writing it....and no original characters! sorry! I wouldn't do them justice. ) OR if you don't want a shippery Story- Character: (This could be a random Drabble about ANY character in the KH series. Want something about Donald or Sora or even Queen minnie?) Prompt: (word or phrase that will inspire me for the story) Edit: Come one guys, dosn't anyone want one? EDIT2: Just and example so you all know what- Got it? xD mmkay. Have at 'er. SLOTS: (Open) 1) Nightwinde Pairing/Ship/Character: Larxene/Axel Prompt: "Go be annoying somewhere else." FINISHED 2)ロクサス Pairing/Ship/Character: Sora/Ollette Prompt: She could never remember the last thing we talked about. 3) Pairing/Ship/Character: Prompt: 4) Pairing/Ship/Character: Prompt: 5) Pairing/Ship/Character: Prompt:
SLOTS: (Open) 1) (i have no idea what the tittle would be) Pairing/Ship/Character: Laxerene (yes people i know i didnt spell that right) & the Organization. Prompt: Everyone in The Organization likes her. But who will she chose? Will the person be stronger, weaker, faster, younger or older NO ONE KNOWS!!!!! Or will she just beat the crap out of all of them??????? (I personally want her to beat the crap out of all of them.......) ITS THE LAXERENTE DATING SHOW ( This is probably the stupidest story i have ever thought up and im sorry for making u look at it :D )
Or u could do how the organization got their black clokes. i mean really, WHATS WITH THE SIVLER TASLES!?!?!?!? I mean i know they match Xemnas hair, but ITS NOT ALL ABOUT HIM :)
::laugh:: I can do either one. But by prompt I ment just a word or phrase that'll get me going. I should have done an example. xD (Will add this Ex. to the main post) Such as: See? But If you want I can do one or the other. xD Humor's not my forte (Fluffy and/or mind-rambles :p) but if you want I can try.
I feel like writing, too, so I'll do a trade with you. I'll give you my prompt and you give me one... Pay me no mind, I'm just bored. You don't have to if you don't want to. From me to you: 1) Nightwinde (?) Pairing/Ship/Character: Larxene/Axel Prompt: "Go be annoying somewhere else."
I really couldnt care less, and im not gonna write anything because frankly i CANT WRITE :) Those were just ideas that sorta popped into my head when i sitting bored in school. school will do that to u
:) I'll take you up on that offer. It'll be intresting to see what each of us come up with. Here's mine to you. xD Pairing/Ship/Character: Roxas/Kairi Prompt: Roxas suddenly had a new favorite flavor- Cinnamon Have fun. You'd be surprised what you can do when you try. (that didn't sound cliche as all. ;) )And the wonderful people in the fourm are very supportive. xD If you want me to write something just think. Come up with and idea and be as crazy as you want. And yes. School can drive a person to many a thing. ::is suffering from senioristis as we speak::
I know im not even part of this conversation but HE HAS A NEW FLAVOR!?!?!?!?!? CINNIMON!?!?!?!? i like cinnimon :D
I will. [insert evil smiley here] Do you have an idea of how I should do it? I mean should it be AU, randomness, or do I have to go into the background of how they get together? Or would you like me to go nuts?
You seem like my kind of person. >: D Hmm if could be a random AU drabble or if you want something deeper. xD This is just supposed to be fun so I don't want you to "stress" over it. mmkay? I guess just go nuts. I really am a crack!shipper at heart so whatever you have I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it. I think I got the easy end of this deal. at least Axel/Larxene is hinted at in the game, eh? :D Sorreh about that.
It's fine. MUAHAHaha-*cough* Sorry. *ahem* Okay, I'm going crazy with it. Better not regret it later! ;)
Life's too short for regrets, my friend. I'll at least post a link to each story up here on the main post page. I'll post Nightwinde's as well if she dosn't mind. Share the writing love guys. xD
Go ahead and post it if you like. I don't mind. ^_^ And now I shall rest my brain so I can get sugar-high and attack my writing notebook tomorrow. Be prepared! I REGRET NOTHING! *cough* S'cuse me.
Sounds interesting, why not. Here's one for you. Pairing: Sora/Olette Prompt: She could never remember the last thing we talked about.
Wait, I actually get to write a Sorlette? By request? ::squinty squeal:: Wonderful my friend. Simply wonderful. XD
wow... sounds so funny... <3 pairing: Demyx/Olette prompt: I lack the reasons why should I be so confused u like th pair...?
Necro bumping fails. I don't think you'll get your story, considering the writer hasnt been active for over a year :3
hmmm o yeah... u right... hha... i'm being silly... well i like his/her story... after reading it, it made me want to try... =) oh well...