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  1. chargedcloud
    ok in 358 days... roxas cried?? i had a theory of roxas being ven... or roxas not trully being soras nobody and all but. no one gave it a thought of possibility for what, idk why but it did make sence and my facts were reasonable.. but i want to hear what others think now..
    why was Roxas crying??
    ...nobodies have no heart they shouldnt be able to cry.

    is roxas a nobody?
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Aug 30, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. chargedcloud
    ...? um i remmember someone having the ability translations for 358 days. i had it but its gone now can some one be of any help please....
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Jul 31, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. chargedcloud
    The weapons design, the abilities, the synthesis materials.. which is better?
    i think the first ultima weapon looks better, and the materials match the look more. but the KH 2 ultima weapon is more usefull.. you???
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Jul 21, 2009, 23 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. chargedcloud

    selket, kaitzu, and sirus were together all there lifes. After an undying told selket that he had divine abilities and sirus got exposed to heavy magic, they continued to grow stronger. originaly kaitzu was the strongest but he has been excluded from most of their training and often ignored.
    kaitzu gather a group of soldiers and heros and started a facility to train them to protect the Great Chrystal... but soon later the students stopped following kaitzu and began to look up to sirus and selket.
    After a mysterious event kaitzu parted from the two and started another legion to find the three small chrystals and eventually take over the Great crystal and harnest its DIVINE powers.


    The restoration
    age: 20
    Rank: Leader number I
    weapon: the Hunterblade (aurons sword)
    Appearance: white hair look a bit demon like now
    Element: lightning Dark
    Overdrive: storm slash, a highly charged 64 hit combo of nothing but slashes.
    bio: selkets brother he seeks the 3 small chrystal of divine powers
    Preivew post: "its all about tactics, no defending, just speed and adjustment.." he said to the old man selling him the sheild
    S/n: Chargedcloud

    Age: Looks 20+ though isn't known
    Rank: 3 Captain
    Weapon: a Regular Red Gun / Demon Gun
    Element: ...None really, though he can summon FF Monsters...
    DM: Overdrive: Summon (He has a total of 11 things he can summon! Mattering to what soils (demon gun's bullets) he has on hand...
    Bio: The victim of a tragic past, Kaze has been turned into a complete introvert. He barely speaks except when there's something he wants (he never replies to anyone). But he's not one to get close to - he holds unimaginable power; Oscha and Fungus both call him the "Unlimited", the one with the power to destroy the gods.
    owned by: haiena.koinu

    Age: Seems to be 17...
    Rank: 4
    Weapon: Lexicon (a book)
    Element: Darkness / Illusions
    DM: Limit- Where he traps a foe into his book. From there the foe is attacked but a dark, shadowy form of Zexion while they have to solve puzzles to get out. Or till Zexion lets them out (They can get out automatic if they die though so a phoenix down or what not can bring them back)
    Bio: There is not much to be said of his past. He was once a nobody and was the Cloaked Schemer, No. 6 in Organization XIII. he has no Heart, so Zexion as no true feelings at all sadly.
    owned by: haiena.koinu

    The Guardians
    age: 19
    Rank:Guider number I
    weapon: for now ???
    Appearance: It is said he has white hair
    element: Divine light, fire and thunder, able to summon Kirin
    Mist: white dwarf
    bio: his best friend sirus grew closer to selket and respect him enough to step down and allow him to guide the facility. he has divine abilities to summon with out a stone or a crystal. he meditates for 8 hours of the day. and seem to have a close relationship with one of the students, she was the only rookie able to meet him.
    Preiveiw Post: "Dont lay a foot in the way of kaitzu... il handle him" selket says while slowly walking in mid air onto the ground...

    age: 21
    Rank: Leader number II
    Weapon: Volcanic Devestator
    element: Fire
    DM: Mist: Fire Cycle
    bio: befreinded sirus and kaitzumaru, he absorbed uknown magic even after being told it can kill him at age 16 to save a lady he loved...
    Preivew post: Sirus looked up at the sky. everything around him was so peaceful. if only it could last forever. he sighed, knowing it wouldn't. he stood up and started walking. he would go where the wind took him.
    Own by: Keybladewarrioroflegend

    Age: 16.
    weapon: Gunblade.
    Rank: Idk
    Apperance, Like seifer, but with clouds hairstyle in the color blue.
    Element:Fire, Wind
    Overdrive:Renzukken:The gun blade starts shining and deals a 12 slash combo, and finishes with a shot.(if you has played ff8 you knows what it does.)
    Bio:Son of Seifer, but trained by squall(Leon). He got's a nobody somewhere, and a heartless to. He's serching for them.

    One person can choose to be sirus,(first come first served) the element weapon and rank options are optional (il give you a rank) any rank above 5 are Generals. theres a 6th option on the OC form thats says mist mist for selket and Overdrive for kaitzu, there you put your DM Either an Overdrive, Mist or a limit
    See bottom if you dont know what they are. or if your confused.

    1)God modding !!!!

    2)Controll over other characters
    3)...please follow site rules
    4)romance all allowed, but make sence and theres limits
    5) Death must make sence and has to be approved, but normally you will be in KO state instead of dead like in FF games
    6) Final Fantasy References are highly recomemded
    7)HAVE FUN

    you can Choose to make your OC an Actual character From any FF game including Kingdom hearts.

    DMs.... DMs are your desperation moves, it can be used when in desperate measures. I classify them as either Mist, Limits, or Overdrives.
    if you played Final fantasy games you should know the difference or the Origin.
    Mist: more of a magic based Finishing move, it can change space, terraform or use heavy elements
    ExamPLe: mist: Dark hole, sends out a huge dark whole to deal large dark damage
    Limits: are Finishers that has a finisher, is gets stronger as the limit steps progess.
    Example: Ragnarok, a slashing combo that carries the opponent in the air then launches rays of light at the enemy.
    Overdrives: a finisher that can adjust to any thing or any area. its a one step KO that derives around weaponry.
    Example: Shooting star, charges energy then searches out a weakspot to upper slash and launch the enemy out of the battlegrounds.
    thats it...

    [​IMG] Kaitzu
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Jul 12, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chargedcloud
    nobodies denizens of light and those who dwell in the dept of DARKNESS come and have one.... FINAL .... BATTLE....

    story... the kingdom hearts remake.... But this time it up to you.
    to apply first
    choose a weapon based on its description
    Then you can either Create an OC or use the character that originally had the weapon for example you pick the sitar.. you can play as demyx or create an OC...

    the following weapons are merely descriptions if you feel as if the description soothes you apply for it... then the weapon would be REVEALED!!

    *How To Chose*
    every description has a number... your maximun weight capacity is 4, so your items cant sum up to a total of more than four...
    so you can dual weild (even up to 3 weapons) just keep it under 4 and pleese be resonable..
    you cannot choose items under the same color


    I short swords of light (3)
    II an instrument that has a moist melody (3)
    III a blade no a key neither a heart... (2)
    IV the promise key (2)
    V the moons valor (3)
    VI shocking ninja tool (1)
    VII the heavy hero tool of ground (4)
    VIII loaded assasins tool (2)
    IX Genius Door opener (3)
    X Cold Defender (3)
    XII pocket of keychains (1)*
    XIII Road to Oblivion (2)
    XIV red and silver and hot... (3)
    XV glove and button of invinciblity (4)
    XVI rod of dark flames (4)
    XVII boots and gloves? (2)
    XIX hefty branded blade (3)
    XX breezy rods (4)

    I Key of ongoing darkness (2)
    II the promise key (2)
    III Sunny Door opener... (4)
    IV the apprentices key (2)
    V Death sickle (4)
    VI anceint long sword ... long! sword (4)
    VII Gloves and boots? (2)
    VIII the holder of spells (1)
    IX The Dream catcher memory gather (1)
    X does it shoot or cut? (2)
    XI giant star (3)
    XII heal bell (1)
    XIII dice....(1)
    XIV key to this side (2)
    XV staff of the kings servant (2)

    I sheild of the kings commander (2)
    II Key of ongoing Darkness (2)
    III Cards (3)
    IV key to the other side (2)
    V shocking ninja tool (2)
    VI the no hearted being (4)
    VII wind key (2)
    VIII water key (3)
    IX Claw of pride (4)
    X bone fist (2)
    XI Sailing rapier (2)
    XII sandy Schimitar(2)
    XIII Does it shoot or cut? (3)
    XIV the wizards attire (4)
    XV The spectacular wand (1)
    XVI Boot Disk (3)
    XVII The shark sword (2)
    XVIII Speed ball (3)
    XIX The Guardians sword (3)
    XX the passed downed sword (2)

    weapons with* arent able to attack on their own
    Note: some weapons are listed twice for other people to use, you cant pick the same characters twice,
    yo can choose to create an OC from scratch, but the creation cant interfere with any of Kingdom hearts original character factors... for example you cant create an OC with a keyblade unless you choose a keyblade from the weapon list and create your OC from that concept. so.... ..that means by any means main characters like sora and kairy can be replaced if their weapons were chosen and you crate an oc.

    on the other hand if you select a weapon and you are comfy with that weapons original character you can play as the kingdom hearts character...
    for exmp: you happen to choose roxas keyblades, you can play as roxas...

    also some weapons arent specialized to one character.

    Apply so...
    For wepon selection OC or KH chars

    Weapon selection
    BIO/story <<-----include appearance and name if OC
    True wepon: <<-----il give

    for OCs No wepon selection

    1]follow site rules
    2]organization thirteen can grow up to organization 25 its up to you
    3]ALL DEATHs MUST MAKE SENCE pleese i beg of you no gundams destroyin planets and stuff
    4]world characters can leave thier worlds, yes so people like cloud can fight people like Terra!!
    6]make sence pleese i beg of you
    7] over three sentence replies make it detailed
    8] romance acceptable (dont go 2 max)
    9]Have fun and put a smiley face somewere if you read the rules

    I will Display the characters after selections you can switch your character if it does plees you..... heres my character HAVE FUN!!

    Bio, professor ansem, the wise........ research........ ...he DTD.........
    K....OM.EARTs .......Heartles.... bodie..... ........the org................
    .......A............... ...............Ter........................
    XEHANORT? .................................. KEY BLADE!!!
    true weapon:
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Jun 29, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chargedcloud
    The story..
    Magnus (A magic warrior that specialize in time magic and gravity carries a fine lance about 6ft long with a slight shape of a toad on one end and a dragons mouth on the other) and Rulga (a magic warrior that specializes in elemental and death magic carrie a sithe with a dragons mouth open leading to the sickle blade and a hero with a toad at the end of it.) decides to awaken after a long rest of "laying low" they are attempting to open a gate to a parallel universe which will end all life. but they beleive with their enhanced magical abilities they wont die but they know that everyone else will.... die.

    The twist
    ten warriors were informed about magnus and rulga and now the world is dependant on them, who these warriors are you tell me....

    all around the world based on you the story will un-fold the warriors will eventually all meet on an island were there are 3 very very high mountains. (kinda like mt coronet from pokemon but 3 of them....)



    helpers... (optional anybody that wanna make a suppoting character)

    how to apply
    you can only be one main character but you can add any supporting characters.

    bio: (you have to include were you are coming from if you arent magnus or rulga)
    abilities: (be specific about elemental abilities)
    Screen name:
    Choice of team: (example: seaker, helper, hero)

    NOTE:you dont need a weapon and it will be highly preffered if u put images for your weapons and appearances :)

    !. follow site rules
    !!. no godmodding
    !!!. to die atleast 2 other people must confirm a death to make suree it makes sence....
    !V. Rulga and Magnus are like the main characters you cant apply to be them or to work with them under seeker....
    They can be either male or female and if you are rulga you cant be magnus viceversa....
    V. have fun and copy and paste your favorite rule to get in...

    bio: dwells in NYC in an appartment building not much is known about him
    Weapons: black katana
    Abilities: shadow abilities makes copy through light reflection similar to larxene, time magic relavant and can easily conseal him self
    COT: Hero
    Thread by: chargedcloud, May 31, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chargedcloud


    This RP is based on three waring states
    /terms Of Survival
    A few maps are displayed below, as if this were kingdom hearts you can navigate through certain areas but if there's an area between your destination and where your heading you will have to state were your heading...
    For Example
    throne room.............................home room...........castle
    :.............................................: :
    hall of mirrors...........................hall of the queen
    music room..............merry go round..................dress room
    In order to breach the throne room from the castle you will have to either navigate through the hall of the queen into the home room then into the throne room... simple
    And the map isn't drawn to scale how big the room is... use your imagination

    RED AREAS:waring areas, when an area is red there is a fight going on with multiple fighters/units,
    Underlined Red areas :areas with large wars...
    i wouldn't expect my character to browse around in these areas without problems..
    Purple areas : warp areas... Areas you can teleport to ...see rules for full understanding...
    green areas Safe spots : areas were you wont have to worry about fights.... it would be preferred to put your house in one of these areas..
    Silver areas : city areas... these are areas within a city (buildings, apartments, parks, etc) just watch your surroundings
    >>>>= signifies seas
    :::::::= Bodies of water
    ::::::= mountainous areas
    ;;;;;;= Wastelands
    ;;;;;;= Snow terrain



    [FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Silver"]Lavender City[/COLOR]...[COLOR="Silver"]....Grey District...the boulevard.... [/COLOR][COLOR="PaleGreen"]traverse town[/COLOR].....Gnome,street.......darkends.......wastelands[COLOR="Sienna"];;;;:::::[/COLOR]MT Corona[COLOR="PaleTurquoise"];;;[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]Mt peak[/COLOR]
    :[COLOR="White"]...............[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]florsdale parks.[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]......[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]..........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].....................[/COLOR]:
    Old castle ruins (0)[COLOR="White"]..[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]...............[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]..........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].....................[/COLOR]:
    {castle corridors}[COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][COLOR="White"]...............[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]..........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].....................[/COLOR]:
    [COLOR="Purple"]Red garden[/COLOR]..........Dark Depths.......bottomless pit....................central castle(0).......dark beginnings[COLOR="White"]............[/COLOR]:
    [COLOR="White"]........................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]......................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]........................................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"].......................[/COLOR]:[COLOR="White"]............[/COLOR]'middle of nowhere'[COLOR="Sienna"]:::::[/COLOR]corona hills
    [COLOR="White"]....................[/COLOR][COLOR="Silver"]darkvail city[/COLOR].........[<undiscovered darkness>][COLOR="White"].........[/COLOR][COLOR="PaleGreen"]great halls[/COLOR][COLOR="White"].......[COLOR="Purple"]light ends[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    [COLOR="White"].....................[/COLOR]longbay...................................................................................light beginnings
    [COLOR="White"]...................[/COLOR]Twilight island[COLOR="Blue"]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[/COLOR]{Twilight walls}[COLOR="Blue"]::::::::::[/COLOR][COLOR="Silver"]light city[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="White"]......................[/COLOR]destiny islands............DI Resort[COLOR="Silver"][/COLOR][COLOR="Sienna"]::[COLOR="Blue"]:::>>>>>>>[/COLOR][/COLOR]twilight town[COLOR="Blue"]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[/COLOR]crescent moon island
    1)basic rules no godmodding, foul language and rated R romance,
    2)killing is very much allowed due to the setting, but it has to be executed properly, you cant force death upon another playable character or OC.
    exp: kaitzumaru stabs guy in the throat... <<<dont do that!
    3)terrain is a big priority in this RP, you are allowed to make it rain, snow, sun shine, etc whatever but it isn't allowed if it don't make sense
    4)read the invisible rule under 5
    5)teleporting out of an area isnt allowed unless your teleporting to a warp spot,(purple areas) how ever instant transmission and time magics are allowed..
    6) to participate type "ff" and any invisible number after it
    Characters are selected in few ways, you can select the few underneath or create an OC, you can controll up to 3 characters, two Original and one selected
    selectable players..

    *Terra: The road to Darkness

    Master xehanort

    Applying OC
    home: (anywhere on the map)
    DM or last resort
    extras: weapons, personality, etc

    DM are desperation moves, just simply describe your characters actions for desperate times. you can have up to three DMs, if there is a name of a DM used from another kingdom hearts character for Example sephiroths dha, you wont have to describe it

    these are the three armies:
    Light crusaders (keybladers)
    Terra, Aqua, Ven, Mickey

    Dark seekers

    between elites
    Kaitzumaru (my OC :) )

    long story short: Dark seekers want to explore and expose darkness to the world...(main turf west central, red garden, darkvail city, etc)
    between elites wants to controll the keyblade and take over dark seekers experimenting (main turf: north and northern areas. lavender city traverse town)
    light crusaders wants everything to be the same (main turf: Deep southern areas twilight town, DI resort, central castle)

    This story is pretty short but will be edited based on settings and your actions... this all depends on you!! ;)
    we will begin when we have enough participants...
    Thread by: chargedcloud, Feb 14, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home