Attack on Titan: Reluctant Hero's

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Sep 20, 2015.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Amber's eyes lingered on Galadorn perhaps longer than they should have. She couldn't help it though. It wasn't that she hated the man now, but she felt jealous in a way. He had her to himself all day and night. They lived together, worked together, always with each other and not always having to be so formal about everything. The one single time she steps away from her job and reaches out for a friend, he had to interfere. He HAD to have something planned on that particular day. Before Kala even spoke she knew what her choice would be. Why choose a distant friend, now more like a boss, when you could choose your lover. Amber forced herself to look away from Galadorn trying not to think too much on it. She didn't want hate or hold a grudge against the man. Over the past couple years he had proven himself more than loyal. Still it stung a little.

    Kala suggested they do lunch instead so she could have breakfast with Galadorn, but Amber felt that she shouldn't. She had taken most of yesterday off, and had plenty to catch up on. She shouldn't take a few hours off in the afternoon, but she needed to. She needed to just sit down with a friend. She wouldn't be able to continue her work to the best of her ability without the chance to talk to someone about everything on her chest. Someone that wasn't Drake. Yes she loved Drake but there was certain things she felt she couldn't discuss with him. So she turned to Kala, her only other friend in the world it seemed most days. "I'll make time for lunch tomorrow." Amber mumbled her response as she looked back down at a stack of papers, sorting through for the information and documents to do with the next meeting she had for the day. When this was over she couldn't wait to just get home to Drake and be done with it.
    Adelina watched Zack go before laying down completely on the couch and setting Zelina on top of her. She placed her hands on the child's back to make sure she didn't go anywhere as Adelina closed her eyes. A small nap, that was what she needed, then she could have a good day with Zack. She could spend time with her boyfriend before he had to get back to work. Even if no one could watch the kids it was okay, as long as they were together. However that thought hurt more than it should as she thought about their relationship. Two years and two children later and he still didn't purpose to her. She was hoping for a long time that he would. Adelina's wings wrapped themselves around the two, something that happened instinctively when she was a little upset. At least it also helped protect Zelina as they both found themselves drifting into a light nap while awaiting Zack's return.
    Well the reaction was not one that he hoped for but it was better than nothing. Even if they just got Lexander in, he hoped the boy would be smart enough to talk the city into letting them in as well. For the time being they had to keep up the act and do as they were told, after all they were supposed to be desperate for whatever help they could get. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much. I thought my nephew wouldn't make it much further. Please make sure he is alright. How can I ever repay you for such a kindness?" Relief filled Koldo's voice as he spoke. He made sure to keep his eyes on Veera and not glance to the others to make sure they were playing their parts. "I heard legends about a town in the trees somewhere, rumours really. I didn't think they were true, but we had no other choice than to try. No where else to go, but at least take shelter in the trees. I am just so glad that you found us. Does that mean the rumours were true?" Koldo asked. It wasn't a complete lie either. His spies in the walled city had told him as much about the rumours. There was small whispers for years, but two years ago, when a strange group of creatures came and took back the outer wall, leaving soon after, the rumour grew. It was being spoken of like it was fact, but know one could say where it was and no one had ever seen it before. Even when the scouts looked. ​
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    In a way it seemed that the plan had worked even if was only Lexander that was actually going into the city. For the time being they would have play along, which wasn't much of an issue to Damion. Long as Lexander could keep up the act, thing hopefully would work out in their favor. While Koldo asked about the rumors regarding shelter in the trees, he listened in curious to know the answer.

    Tessa had brought up a good point. Why now of all times? There had been plenty of times prior to this for them to do something like this and he never did so why now. Gale thought about his reasons for a short bit before finally reaching an answer. Once he had, he met Tessa's gaze and responded. "Well before I was in the scouts I had this friend who would help me out often and I never understood why and instead of asking, I just put it off figuring that he'd stopped. he never did stop and eventually a titan got to him. He died and I never found out why he helped me out nor anything else about him. That incident two years ago reminded me of that and how little I actual knew of my comrades, so I decided to try and fix that. Starting with you." Gale finished.
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